Visit to North Seymour and Mosquera Islands

It is was a great day in the Galapagos Islands with our friends from the Alliance for Education and Research in Galapagos!

We started our adventure in El Cascajo and headed to the catamaran Adriana to visit the North Seymour and Mosquera islands.

On board the boat we imagined what animals we were going to see and so we got to know each other. Teacher Mercedes said something very nice: she wanted all the children to enjoy and learn more about their environment on this adventure! We learned about the rules of a boat, the use and handling of its tools and the safety measures of a yacht.

During this mission, the children of Galapagos were able to see sharks, blue-footed boobies, frigates and many land iguanas. Together with the guides, David and Fausto, they learned to differentiate the males from the females of each species.

We had the best experience in the water! We swam with sea lions, snorkeled, and enjoyed the beach.

We also put into practice our knowledge about invasive species and their impact on our ecosystem. We were able to analyze what was an endemic or native species and what was an invasive species like African snails.

The children of Galápagos Infinito had a beautiful day of exploration and learning. The most inspiring thing was what they told us at the end of the trip: “we want to be the caretakers of our island!”

Many thanks to Ana María Andrade, to the guides David Guzmán and Fausto Rodríguez for their knowledge, to Michael Weisberg and Maddie Tilyou from Galapagos Alliance, and the crew of the yacht Adriana for hosting this fun mission.

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